Tag Archives: Market Predictions

Pest Control Will Be Used by 100% of Las Vegas, NV. (Prediction)

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spiders on the wall need pest control spray for arachnids

The Pest Control Industry in Las Vegas Seems Promising

We predict that 100% of all Las Vegas residents and commercial property owners will be paying a pest control company of some sort for their services. This prediction comes from being active in business in Sin City for over 20 years. We have a lot of customers that are members of routine services for pest control Las Vegas. This was never the case before; people were always iffy on paying someone else to rid their homes of unwanted bugs and pests. Everybody was a do-it-yourselfer back in the day, but those days are numbered.

spiders on the wall need pest control spray for arachnidsWe see more millennials hiring us for solar screens now than the average Vegas resident. This is because they typically don’t want to be spending their own precious time installing things themselves. There hasn’t been a time that we had more customers wanting to “pay an expert” to do things more so than now. Times have changed, and people are now becoming more and more likely to hire specialists. This is great news for our readers that come by and regularly chime in on our content. If you didn’t know you can message us via email where we answer questions. Most of our readers are owners of local trades companies in Las Vegas.

Because this is true for us, we’re starting to get ideas of our own brand for local pest control. This would be great if times weren’t so good for us now. The economy is doing better than ever today. More people have money to spend on enhancing their quality of life, at least in Vegas! More customers for us is always a good thing, but having customers that stay with us and refer their friends and family; that’s a different story. But that’s all changing soon and we’ll watch it unfold in the coming years in Vegas.

Check out this insane video with a dog helping out with pest control (goes to show what happens when you do it yourself!):

“I can Just Spray My House Myself” – says no one in 2020

Ok, sure there are a few people that may be this way still. But the days are numbered as people are making a lot more money now. There’s also a lot of information online about people spending time with their family; or on things they’re good at and hiring out the rest. This philosophy went viral on social media and has since been the deciding factor of all millennial homeowners.

My son, who’s in his early 20’s, pays $100 every 2 months to a local exterminator just so he never has to worry about bugs in his house. Good thing the state of Nevada has regulations enforced by a compliance team so he doesn’t get ripped off. When I was in my early 20’s, you better believe I wasn’t going to put up a Benjamin for just 2 months of no bugs! Especially since I can just go to the store, buy some bug spray, and soak the perimeter of my house in 15 minutes. Sure, it was good enough for probably a month and then bugs would slip in. And sure, I’m inhaling that disgusting scent of pest control spray as I do it, but hey at least my house is sprayed!

Pay An Actual Exterminator!

Even my wife thinks I should stick to solar screens and pay someone else to work on anything else that needs to be fixed. I can’t say I disagree with this way of doing things either. I mean, if everyone in Las Vegas thought that way about solar screens, I’d be out of business!

Bottom line, I make this prediction public so I have a documented time stamp on this for some buddies of mine that I placed a wager with. I see the numbers rising of people that make these types of decisions. In a city like Las Vegas it’s a very rare thing. I have faith that these millennials will never back down on this and won’t disappoint me. So keep paying for pest control and tell all your friends and family about this company our son referred us to; they do a fantastic job.